Sibylle Berg

Sibylle Berg

Sibylle Berg was born in Weimar and lives in Zurich. She has published numerous novels and plays, and her work has been translated into 30 languages. Her plays Ein paar Leute suchen das Glück und lachen sich tot (2000, based on her novel of the same name), Helges Leben (2001), Hund, Frau, Mann (2002), Die goldenen letzten Jahre (2009), Mein ziemlich seltsamer Freund Walter (2015), Und dann kam Mirna (2016), Wonderland Ave. (2019) and Und sicher ist mit mir die Welt verschwunden (2021) were nominated for the most prestigious award for German speaking playwrights, the Mülheim Dramatists' Award. Und dann kam Mirna received the Audience Choice Award in Mülheim in 2016. Other awards for Sibylle Berg include the Marburger Literaturpreis (2000), the Wolfgang-Koeppen-Literaturpreis (2008), the Else-Lasker-Schüler-Dramatikerpreis (2016) and the Swiss Book Award 2019 for her bestselling novel GRM – Brainfuck . In 2014 she was voted best German-language playwright of the year in Theater heute's critics poll (for her play Und jetzt: die Welt!). 
Sibylle Berg has also worked as a director and has taught playwriting at the universities of Graz and Zurich.
In June 2024, Sibylle Berg was elected to the European Parliament for »Die Partei«.
