© Ruth Walz
Groß und klein
variable casting, min. 7 actors
Lotte, who is going through a divorce and is an unemployed graphic designer in her mid thirties, is looking for her man, for friends, for support, for understanding. In ten episodes, which contain quotations from the bible as well as allusions to the history of philosophy, she travels through the world of German worklife, family and recreation. But the people she encounters don't seem very accessible. Whether in a vacation resort, in front of the locked gate to a housing project, at the bus stop, or in a doctor's waiting room: wherever the woman, desperately trying to conform, turns, she gets rejected by people numbing their own isolation and emptiness inside with alcohol and TV consumption, who hide behind intercoms, dictaphones or telephones. Lotte, who constantly meddles because she means well, only to be shut out over and over again, doesn't give up despite all this, thanks to her unshakable belief that one day she will find a relic of humaneness - until she starts losing herself more and more.
World premiere
06.12.1978 Schaubühne am Halleschen Ufer, Berlin (Director: Peter Stein)
Selected translations
Dutch: Gross und klein
English: Big and little
French: Grand et petit
Italian: Grand e piccolo
Spanish: Grande y pequeno
Swedish: Stor och liten
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