



variable casting

In the forest, In the machine, In the illness, In the bus, In the basement and In hell is what the six parts of Tod-krank.Doc are called. They are framed by the idea of "an attack of something inconceivably unanticipated. It is shockingly obvious how one is thrown into something other, something strange, contingent and unholy, which seems to be a part of nature but isn't and can never be home, this manmade world of machines which will forever remain a hybrid. Humans as flawed creatures. Who have been forever ill, cannot be healed or released, who are drowning and desperately searching for land, Gods with artificial limbs. Jelinek recreates games that were won or lost long ago, and were only played for appearance’s sake. And yet, not all who lose are the same ... there are those who are responsible, perpetrators, and those who turn from victims into perpetrators, who are guiltlessly guilty.» (Benjamin von Blomberg in the 2013 yearbook of Theater Heute)

World premiere
29.11.2013 Theater Bremen (Director: Mirko Borscht)

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