In den Westen


(In den Westen)


3F / 3M

When shops are shuttered at home, when women can no longer take care of the children, and when the homeland turns into a rough environment, then the fortune seekers and the desperate turn westward, towards that legendary point on the compass which promises a better future. In a barren wasteland, a surrogate family has found each other, at the edge of a village and at the fringe of legality. This wild bunch has chosen Sam as its leader, whom everyone calls Baby, and whom they only recently sprung from prison. But Sam objects to the plan of escaping over the mountains. Ever since his prison stay, he has been haunted by the image of a cowboy who has been shot dead. And regardless whether this is a childhood memory, an epic myth, or a ghost: Sam turns gradually into a relentless, lonesome fighter. He no longer trusts the promise of happiness through a new beginning; for him, running away is cowardice, even if his stubbornness tears the group apart. The road towards the west soon narrows into a bloody cul-de-sac, where each one has to look out for himself in order to survive.

World premiere
23.11.2013 Nationaltheater Mannheim (Director: Cilli Drexel)

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